Making it more affordable

Even though gliding is the least expensive way to fly in an aircraft on a regular basis, it still can represent an affordability challenge for many prospective pilots in a challenging economy.

That’s why the club has built-in a number of money-saving rates to make flying at GGC more accessible to our community. Here are some ways the club helps pilots afford flying. 

Membership costs

The club has offers to assist affordability with Membership dues. 

Once paid in full for each season, one person, a “pilot member” has sole use of the facilities at the published rates to the end of October. Members who own a glider, private aircraft or partnership in a private powered aircraft are required to pay dues in full before their first flight. 

Glider rental costs

The club fleet can be rented by any member pilot on a per minute basis. See fees.

Bursaries – women pilots

Celebrating diversity and inclusion is important at the Gatineau Gliding Club. Over our history, some of our member pilots including youth female pilots have gone on to careers in commercial aviation. 

For women looking for financial support to advance their pilot development,  bursaries are available from the Woman’s Soaring Pilots Association. 

Follow the link below to learn more about eligibility and application.