Je suis francophone. Est-ce quil y a les maitres instructeurs français a GGC?
Oui! Nous avons le plus grand nombre de pilotes de planeurs qui sont nos instructeurs et membres qui sont français au parlent français Canada.
Advancing my training
I want to be a commercial airline pilot. How will flying a glider help me?
Flying gliders gives a pilot experience is flying aerodynamics and flying mechanics. It is also more affordable to start by learning to fly a glider than to learn to fly a power plane.
What are careers in aviation I can explore through gliding?
Air traffic controllers, aeronautic maintenance engineer (AME), airport personnel, pilots etc.
How much does it cost to get a full glider license?
The total cost is typically $3000-$6000, depending on how quickly you advance in your training.
I’m not sure if I’m gonna really like it. How can I try it without making a big financial commitment?
We offer 5-pack trial packages. Or if you are a qualifying young person, a youth membership is less expensive than a five flight pack.
Is it more expensive to learn how to fly a glider or to learn how to fly a power aircraft?
It is a lot less expensive to learn to fly gliders since most gliding clubs operate through volunteers.
Can I get a refund for the remainder of my season membership?
We do not provide refunds on season memberships or flight packages. There is the exception that you are medically unable to continue to fly, the membership fee would be prorated from April 1 and 50% of the remainder would be refunded. A medical certificate from your doctor would be required.
Does GCC provide any promotions for youth?
Yes. There is a discounted membership fee, promotion of tow fees prior to 11am, possibility to access bursaries from SAC and the club.
Does the GCC provide any bursaries for youth to cover flying expenses?
Yes, there is a youth bursary available for full-time students under 25 years old.
What is the minimum age to get started as a student?
The minimum age to start gliding is 14 years old.
I don’t have a car to drive to Pendleton aerodrome. Is there a way I can carpool with other members who are driving out?
The club uses an application called click ‘n glide for communication if a new member needs a ride, they would post the request on click and glide for the day they are flying.
I don’t have 20:20 vision. Does this affect whether I can fly a glider?
If you have a visual correction, you can still fly using your glasses. Like a car license, this would be noted on your glider pilot license. However, you will need to pass certain visual acuity tests if you wish to obtain a Category 3 medical certificate, which is necessary for certain things like becoming an instructor.
I cannot use my legs. Can I still fly in a glider?
Yes. You can fly as a passenger in the front seat of a two seated glider. However, you will not be able to fly solo without special accessibility equipment to manipulate the foot pedals which control the rudder.
I have experienced motion sickness. Can I still become a pilot?
Yes. New pilots sometimes get motion sickness. However, pilots report that motion sickness goes away when they take the glider controls and motion sickness generally after a few flights.
I get motion sickness, can I just take some gravol?
As a pilot, no. Pilots, especially those learning to fly need to stay alert. Therefore, it is not permitted to take any medication that causes sleepiness while piloting an aircraft.
Are there any medical requirements for a glider license?
There is a category 4 medical form with conditions that disqualify a person from being licensed as a glider pilot.
I’m not good in science or math. Can I still learn to fly?
Yes. Gliders appeal to a broad range of people. No specific education is required. However, to obtain a glider license, a student needs to participate in glider education and pass multiple-choice glider exam administered by transport Canada.
Club activities
I don’t know anybody else at the GGC. Does the club host social events so I can get to know other people?
Yes, the club has several organized social events throughout the year, along with informal social gatherings at the end of most flying days.
Being a student
How long does it take to get a glider pilot license?
It takes 1-2 seasons and a range of approximately 50 – 80 flights. It depends on when you start flying in the season, how often you come, and how quickly you progress through the lessons.
What are my volunteer responsibilities if I register as a student at the GGC?
You will be scheduled once in a while as assistant field manager (half day) or field manager (full day) to help with ground operations on the flight line.
Are there any medical requirements to fly as a glider student?
Basic communication (speech and hearing) as well as sight is necessary to learn to fly with an instructor.
What time do operations normally start?
Normally, operation start between 9AM-10AM with the opening of the hangers, taking out gliders, daily inspections of gliders, towing of gliders to the flight line and bringing out the flight shack. The first flight start once the tow plane and first glider is in line.
Is is there more flying during the summer vacation?
Yes. There is flying every weekend (weather dependent) and there are two flying weeks (first week of July and August). Also, during exceptional weather, flying maybe opened on a good day if a tow pilot is available.
Introductory flights
Are there any medical requirements to take an intro glider flight?
If you are able to fly a commercial airline as a passenger, you can fly a glider as a passenger.
Can I get a refund for my introductory flight?
We do not provide refunds for introductory flights. However, we allow the flight voucher to be transferred to another person.
Am I covered by insurance if I fly in club aircraft?d by an instructor?
GGC subscribes for liability insurance on all its aircraft that meets or exceeds the amounts required by regulations.