A Badge

Awarded for your first solo flight.

B Badge

Awarded for your first soaring flight over 30 minutes

C Badge

Awarded for your first soaring flight over 1 hour

Bronze Badge

The SAC Bronze Badge is issued by our club as a certification that you’ve completed the required training before a pilot is permitted to fly cross-country.

The Bronze Badge requirements are as follows:

  • 3 consecutive spot landings 450′ from a designated point
  • A demonstrated competency in thermaling (two flights of 2 hrs. of soaring or silver duration)
  • Dual instruction in off field landing, dual x-country flight including pre-flight planning and a final glide
  • Understanding and practice in rigging/de-rigging and trailering glider pilot intends to x-country fly

FAI Silver Badge

To qualify for a silver badge, you need to have achieved the following, in recorded flights that are verified by one of the official observers at the club:

  • 50 kilometer flight
  • 5 hour duration flight
  • Height gain of 1,000 m

FAI Gold Badge

The requirements for this badge are:

  • 300 kilometer flight
  • 5 hour duration flight
  • Height gain of 3,000m

FAI Diamond Badge

The requirements for this badge are:

  • 500 kilometer free distance flight
  • 300 kilometer flight to a goal
  • Height gain of 5,000m

FAI Diplomas for flights exceeding 750km

The FAI also issues diplomas for flights exceeding 750 kiometers in increments of 250 kilometers (750, 1000, 1250, etc)