I’m French-speaking. Are there French instructors at GGC?
I want to be a commercial airline pilot. How will flying a glider help me? 
What are careers in aviation I can explore through gliding?
How much does it cost to get a full glider license?
I’m not sure if I’m gonna really like it. How can I try it without making a big financial commitment?
Is it more expensive to learn how to fly a glider or to learn how to fly a power aircraft?
Can I get a refund for the remainder of my season membership?
Does GCC provide any promotions for youth? 
Does the GCC provide any bursaries for youth to cover flying expenses? 
What is the minimum age to get started as a student? 
I don’t have a car to drive to Pendleton aerodrome. Is there a way I can carpool with other members who are driving out?
I don’t have 20:20 vision. Does this affect whether I can fly a glider?
I cannot use my legs. Can I still fly in a glider?
I have experienced motion sickness. Can I still become a pilot? 
I get motion sickness, can I just take some gravol? 
Are there any medical requirements for a glider license?
I’m not good in science or math. Can I still learn to fly?
 I don’t know anybody else at the GGC. Does the club host social events so I can get to know other people? 
How long does it take to get a glider pilot license?
What are my volunteer responsibilities if I register as a student at the GGC? 
Are there any medical requirements to fly as a glider student? 
What time do operations normally start?
Is is there more flying during the summer vacation? 
Are there any medical requirements to take an intro glider flight?
Can I get a refund for my introductory flight?
Am I covered by insurance if I fly in club aircraft?d by an instructor?