Beginner Pilot Instruction Trial Packages
Start learning to fly without making a long-term commitment. Our introductory packages are perfect for those who want to start to learn to become a pilot and see if it’s right for them.
Choose Your Package
- 5 instructional flights with our experienced instructors
- Includes all costs: glider rental and aerotows
- Perfect for those looking to get a taste of glider flying
- 6 shared instructional flights between two people
- A great way for couples or friends to learn together and share the experience
- Includes all costs: glider rental and aerotows
What’s included in the trial packages
- Glider flying lessons
- 3,000 foot tows (2,000 foot tow under soaring conditions)
- Day membership
- Basic student kit
- Each flight is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Flights exceeding 30 minutes are subject to overtime charge. Flight durations will vary due to weather conditions. No solo privileges.
- Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable, and are valid until the end of the flying season of the year following the purchase.
- Limited to non-members in one non-repeating purchase.